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This Number Look To Be: Negative

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See below what our users have to say about the 02070976766 phone number:

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

Said they were from Virgin Media and offered to send them an email with a 30% discount on their current contract, but I don't deal with things like this over the phone.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

There is too much sound in the background and it is impossible to know who is calling as they didn't answer when you asked!.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger


Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

Said weird things and ended the call.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

The telephone numbers supposedly to be from IdealWorld, but they are not actually from IdealWorld.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Not talk .

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Call puts telephone down and then leaves.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

5 star hotels are the perfect choice for a stay in the city.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

repeated, numerous days. Silent. Even 9pm..

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

I do not know what you are talking about.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

No one answered the phone at this number, and the silence was profound.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

When the telephone went to voicemail, I hung up.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Put the telephone down then telephone you up. This is very annoying. Now the phone is blocked.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

I ended the call and blocked it.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Its a machine saying your credit card has been used this morning with a lot of money being added. It's not real.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

We did not hear back from thetelephone company so we did not ring it back.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

I did not answer any of the calls from this phone number (01183150367) and no message is showing as having been left, hence my trying to find out who had called….

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

The persistent harassment and nuisance from this phone number is very bothersome. I've tried blocking the numbers but they keep coming back.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

Harrassing, nuisance, very persistent, call three or four times a day but never speak. Tried blocking the numbers but they come back on the same number.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Natural

Harrassing, nuisance, very persistent, ring three or four times a day but never speak. Tried blockers the numbers but they come back on the same numbers.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

This number tried to ring me today but did not answer. I don't recognise the number. Possibly a scam. I had 4 numbers starting with 020 try & ring myself on Friday.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

There is a potential scammer ring in the area.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

A scammer is someone who uses a scam to get money from someone.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Someone who poses as a post office package sender in order to steal money from unsuspecting victims is known as a post office package scammer.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

I am not waiting for a package. I am not sure who sent it.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

This person is a scammer from Amazon. They attempted to place an order for £399 but were unsuccessful.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer called, pretending to be Lloyds bank.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Sending a scammer text message. Fraud

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

The texter stated that I could not have a package delivered owing to unpaid duties and that I needed to call the Post Office. The message is an scam.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer texted putting on a fake persona to be the Post Office.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

SMS scam. Just delete - it's one of those not real post office msgs.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

SMS scammers claim from Royal Mail Group about a delivery. Asking myself to follow a link to a page where I can see a list of all the deliveries that have been made by that Royal Mail Group company.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

The caller refused to take my call, but it's most likely a scammer.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

Do not answer the scam call.

Who called from 02070976766 (2 years ago) Danger

01138683578 spammers stealing your IP if you picked up

Report Unsolicited Calls From 02070976766 Number!

You can help others by sharing your experience with 02070976766. Let's name and shame this caller or provide any information you might have!

Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?

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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

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