💡 NOTE : The stats 07880874182 are based on real reports from visitors to this site. Add your own comment to improve accuracy and help others.
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35See below what our users have to say about the 07880874182 phone number:
The caller is not audible.
According to them, they were phoning from Virgin to see if we were having problems with our internet. If it was possible, they might have been/might not have told him I was busy.
I did not answer my phone, and I do not know anyone in Austria.
This number phoned itself and do not know anyone in Austria.
When you answer the phone, 6 to 8 times a day, it hangs up.
Some company doing research does not provide any information about what it is doing.
Nobody answered the phone but Don't know who it was.
I called Talk Talk who told me this ring wasn't from them.
The good news is that the situation has improved.
The company says it is supposed to be in arrears of recovery, outstanding payment, and asks for bank details to check. If you fail to comply, the company threatened Court Bailiffs if you don't comply.
I think it's a lottery group, and I'd like to sell bulk syndicate tickets. I have asked them before to stop calling, but now I'm classified as a annoyance call.
Telesales VODAPHONE can provide you with a variety of services to help you stay connected.
Thank you for not continuously calling 07973000614, we appreciate your help.
I thought I would answer this call, but usually don't if not known to me, but felt in the mood to talk to a scammer. Unfortunately, just a lot of background noise.
After cutting short a scammer type ring asking for info from an 0161 number, numbers phoned straight away seem to be dubious.
Do not call or scam the small consultancy with telephone numbers that start with "don't do."
The scammer said he was owed a refund for a washing machine he had bought just put the telephone down.
I was trying to sell investment services with unrealistic promises of 9-25% returns per month. This was an aggressive & rude agent who swore at myself multiple times before hanging up the telephone when I asked to not be contacted by his company anymore. I got cold call for services that I have not asked for nor
scam A scam is a type of fraud in which someone attempts to take advantage of someone else by making them believe that he or she has a valuable product or service that does not exist.
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Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?
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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For
There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.
Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!
In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.