0114 Area Code

(1 month ago) Danger

Land phoneline rang. Didn't answer. 1471. numbers undisclosed to me.

(4 months ago) Danger

Rag purporting to be Vigin Cash about bogus trasactions on my credit card

(5 months ago) Danger

(5 months ago) Danger

phoned @11:15. By the time I got to the telephone the answerphone had picked you andnthe telephoner just hang up. It can't be important otherwise they would have left a message. Don't know the number. On TPS but still getting these kind of calls. Very annoying.

(5 months ago) Danger

I miss the ring initially, so I recalled it. The person on the phoneline claim to be from help4homes, discussing solar panel installations in Sheffield & inquiring about my interest. They mentioned significant bill savings of up to 94%. Despite knowing my name & location, I never initiated such a request. This raised suspicion of a possible scam.

(6 months ago) Natural

ring to my home telephone at 11:11 on Mon 04 March 2024. Silence when picked up. Suspect unwanted sales call.

(7 months ago) Danger

putting on to be from private medical cover company. Wanted myself to confirm if I had cover with them, I said you wouldn't be asking if you called, & if not then this is a cold call.

(7 months ago) Danger

"Policy Protect" called to review my life cover policy. While they knew my name, I couldn't find substantial info about the company online, except for a limited company reportedly dissolved in 2018.

(7 months ago) Danger

Said he's an electricity company advisor or something, & wants to have a look at my loft insulation to give myself advice.

(8 months ago) Danger

Said they were calling from EE mobile. I asked what the ring was about & they ended the call.

(8 months ago) Danger

Insulation SCAM!

(8 months ago) Danger

'local' numbers showed on my telephone so I took the call. telephoner just hang up. numbers is now blocked & has reported

(9 months ago) Danger

possible scammer .. touting for business? Blocked

(9 months ago) Danger

state to be installers of home insulation from Crown.

(9 months ago) Danger

It's a housing disrepair scam. I'm registered with TPS so no legit company would have cold called me.

(9 months ago) Danger

This numbers called my mobile at 3am of all times waking myself up. I did not answer as I don’t answer random numbers.

(9 months ago) Danger

Potentially a scammer

(11 months ago) Danger

continually calling but rings off when answered

(11 months ago) Good

(1 year ago) Danger

Called myself randomly, I heard no voice at all. They hang up after a few seconds. I live in London so no clue why they called or had my numbers in the first place

(1 year ago) Danger

Harassing sales calling from Sheffield. How did they get my number? Just block them.

(1 year ago) Good

genuine business ring replying to my online query re car repair

(1 year ago) Danger

01144409690 numbers not recognised, thus not answered. No message left so suspected as spam.

(1 year ago) Natural

Weird promotional call. person talking down the telephone even before ring had connected. When I answered, they hang up instantly. Very odd.

(1 year ago) Danger

Said they are from some community health team, raising funds.

(1 year ago) Good

(1 year ago) Danger

Leaves no message, they have something to hide! Could not find any info about the caller.

(1 year ago) Danger

Phoned many times this week. Does anyone recognise this number?

(1 year ago) Danger

Every time they ring to annoy myself I block their number.

(1 year ago) Good

A courtesy call should be made to any new acquaintance.

(1 year ago) Danger

(1 year ago) Natural

(1 year ago) Danger

(1 year ago) Danger

(1 year ago) Danger

(1 year ago) Natural

(1 year ago) Danger

(1 year ago) Good

(1 year ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Danger

This automatic numbers says it is your bank and unauthorized use at Amazon and an undisclosed company so they ask you to press- one or two etc total scammer I get these regular but this is a new number.

(2 years ago) Danger

Annoyance ring no discussion they hang up and don't want to talk about it.

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Danger

I have received numerous such calls from a person putting on they call themselves from Carephone Warehouse to propose offers. I have not received this type of call in the past months, which is not normal as I am not one of their customers. Is this a scam?

(2 years ago) Danger

I've had numerous calls starting 0114 356, but the last 4 numbers are different. It's someone foreign with poor English. I hung up

(2 years ago) Danger

The person who sent you an email asking for your input didn't answer your question.

(2 years ago) Danger

The telephoner was inaudible.

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Danger

Person telephoned named Lisa. They spoke with an accent. They asked about my Amazon account and whether or not I wanted to continue the call. When they didn't answer the phone, they asked if I wanted to continue the call using a home number. I was Puzzled as this is not the usual

(2 years ago) Good

Hi, welcome to the Temporarily Unavailable Group!

(2 years ago) Danger

This no called every day for the past two weeks, sometimes early in the morning, getting to be an annoyance.

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Danger

I was called in Germany from this number today. No one there when I picked up.

(2 years ago) Natural

Scam ring Indians in the background and take their money.

(2 years ago) Danger

A scam!

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Danger

Spammers New meaning: The people who spam

(2 years ago) Danger

This is a Visa debit scammer.

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

After a scam ring to me, this number was given to me by the 1471 service.

(2 years ago) Danger

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

(2 years ago) Natural

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

safe numbers are important.

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

When I answer the phone, I hear a ringing noise, but when I answer it, it goes off.

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

This user has reported a negative experience with this number.

(3 years ago) Danger

The caller seems to be a spammer.

(3 years ago) Natural

(3 years ago) Danger

This is a telephone used for incoming calls only.

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

This Sheffield numbers did not request a call from me.

(3 years ago) Danger

Beware of an online message that says your internet is going to be turned off within 24 hours unless you talk to them. If you don't hear from the internet service provider (ISP) within that time, be sure to reach out to them.

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger

Unwelcome cold call, sounded a lot further away than Sheffield, but it was still nice to see.

(3 years ago) Danger

When I did not speak, probably an automated call center hung up on me.

(3 years ago) Danger

Automated voice call. They had detail that I had been in an accident (I hadn't) and worked their way through to a real person and asked for the name of the company. Company name was given as "Pearl Star Solutions." I asked for some more detail on the company and she said they

(3 years ago) Danger

Automated woman's voice. "Car crash" spam. Sheffield number.

(3 years ago) Danger

We don't know who this person was. They were involved in a car accident and were extremely rude and wouldn't give a name.

(3 years ago) Danger

Scam call that appears to be a false accident.

(3 years ago) Danger

Calls are made when you put an uber complaint through, but the scam is the same as with different numbers, also.

(3 years ago) Danger

There is a definite car insurance scam going on.

(3 years ago) Good

This user reported a positive experience with this number.

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Natural

(3 years ago) Danger

(3 years ago) Danger


5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

Tags for whocalledyou.co.UK: check this phone number UK, whose telephone numbers is this, Who Called Me in UK, who is calling me from this number UK, who is calling me from this number UK free, Who is Calling Me Unknown, phone number checker, phone number checker free, UK phone number checker, whose telephone numbers is this, whose phone number is this, find whose phone number is this UK, whose phone number is this UK, search phone number, who is calling me UK, free phone number search

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