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This Number Look To Be: Negative

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See below what our users have to say about the 01604698482 phone number:

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

No answer was received from 02039405227 when the caller tried to reach out.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The call was received at 1643, but the caller hung up before they could be connected.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Natural

I don't know anyone in London, do you have a telephoner that works?

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Supposed to be

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

After a few seconds the phoneline went dead, I answered and said yes? Then waited.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

This number called my mobile and called four times before I could answer. Before I could answer, they called off.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

I discovered the telephoner to be absolutely lovely when I was called by this number.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

07931369029 called 5th May 22, I was charged £79 999 for my Amazon Prime subscription and Press one to talk to consumer services.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Missed call, no voicemail, no persistent calling.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

This number phoned my elderly mother saying they were HSBC Bank plc and got her in a right state.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Natural

I can't ring back, because I missed a ring from this number.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Called at 12:00 a.m.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

My friend had two missed telephone calls from above number. These calls were disregarded.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Neither a threat nor neutral.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

I was called unrequested, after 5 seconds there was no answer from the caller, I assumed it was connected to a machine, I have no interest in talking to machines, I find them dull conversationalists, I dropped the call, I received another ring within seconds, I gave it the benefit of

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Left no message & my telephone itself said "Potential Fraud" when the numbers rang, so I didn't answer it.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The miss ring did not send a message.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

I called but left no message.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of others.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception in order to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

This ring was made on a home telephone from the Cardiff area. It can't be certain it is a scam, since it is the first time that this numbers has tried to contact me on my mobile.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

The virgin media scammer does not reveal their ant information.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Who is the bank scammer?

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Scammer putting on to be Amazon. A prerecorded message says you have been charged a specific amount and to agree, charge press 1. To talk to someone, press 2.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

100% Scam. SMS message read and#34;Simon attempted to deliver your package today but no one was home. You can reschedule a new date, via:

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

Fraudsters and spamming users are two of the many problems that the internet faces.

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

When I answered the phone, I was expecting a delivery, but I heard three beeps and then it turned off. Did you notice any strange noises?

Who called from 01604698482 (2 years ago) Danger

I don't know who this is, but I don't want to take the time to ask.

Report Unsolicited Calls From 01604698482 Number!

You can help others by sharing your experience with 01604698482. Let's name and shame this caller or provide any information you might have!

Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?

Rate the caller using our traffic light system and leave a comment!

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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

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