Phone Number :


This Number Look To Be: Negative

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See below what our users have to say about the 01913039677 phone number:

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Natural

No voicemail is available for this number.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Natural

You can't hear the ring centre sound in the background, it's always a negative sign!

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

So you have not given any detauls about this number? I did not rate this numbers as dangerous. This service should not be used.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

I did not hear back from no answer at 7 a.m.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Somebody telling themselves they have Covid again numbers undisclosed to me.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger


Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

automatic translation is available.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Repetitive & short rings then rings off.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Telephone the numbers no 1 and answers.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

A person called wanting to talk to somebody else who did not live at this address, but did not specify which address.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

This was a clearly an overseas company using a London registered numbers and it was asking if I had a funeral plan in place. I told it they were too late and I was already dead!

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

After pretending to be a carphone warehouse, set up a fraudulent contract with vodafone, luckily their fraud systems spotted this and blocked the payments.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Natural

Potential fraud came up so the caller was blocked.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Potential fraud threat on mobile could lead to a fraudulent purchase.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Frequent call from a series of numbers that are all similar to 02045162 -- 748, 751, 752, 754, 755, 760. No message left on an ansaphone by the caller(s).

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Natural

The ring centre is interestingly strange, they are so silly they got my VM and left a message saying "hello....hello."

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

An unknown number abusive messages from an undisclosed number.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

I'm sorry, I don't have a Visa card.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

I hope you take care of yourself. I don't want to know what happened to you.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Never leave a message on a answering telephone if you don't know the person on the other end.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

I don't know anyone or I'm expecting a ring from Manchester. As they haven't called back, I'm guessing it was an annoyance ring.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Natural

The phone rang when I was answering it. I was annoyed when the call came in.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

This is a scam, saying that large payments have been taken from our account and to press a number to speak to an advisor will result in a message saying that the number is not in service. This number only differs by 1 last digit from a similar ring yesterday. Our telephone is in Cumbria.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

The foreign person asked if my internet speed was good, and the while answering him they turned themselves off. It's most likely some scammer.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer said that charges had been made in my credit card.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

blocking this number will stop the scamming of your reputation.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Be careful this is a scammer. Pretended to be my son, and claim they had lost his phone.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is constantly asking for money.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

IGNORE!!! I backedtracked them, they are scammers, here are their details Name: JOE PETITIO Street: 108 CAVASINA DR City: CANONSBURG State: PENNSYLVANIA Postal Code: 15317 Country: UNITED STATES Country code: US

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

This number has called my home telephone two times today (27/1), about 7.20am and then about two hours later. I have not left a message, so it seems like a scammer telephoned.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Do not answer the phone if you see someone trying to call you from Amazon Prime. Do not let them through. Block them immediately.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

I was asked a lot of personal information, but could not give any information about who was calling me - a scammer threat.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

Interestingly, an attempt to ring back this no. was not recognised which is suspicious.

Who called from 01913039677 (2 years ago) Danger

This. A SMS message says it was the post office trying to deliver a parcel.

Report Unsolicited Calls From 01913039677 Number!

You can help others by sharing your experience with 01913039677. Let's name and shame this caller or provide any information you might have!

Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?

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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

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