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This Number Look To Be: Negative

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See below what our users have to say about the 0352695834092 phone number:

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

The background sound is but no speech.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Do not install the app if you want to use the BT engineer.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

The woman claimed to be from O2, but she didn't know her name. She was strange.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

There is no sound or voice on the connection.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

This number called itself after it had an online chat with Canon about a printer issue. Eventually, the telephoner asked itself to download software so that they could take control of my pc so that they could fix the printer problem. I declined and we ended the call. I'm not sure how the Canon support

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Unable to understand what the speaker is saying.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

We didn't receive any information about the undisclosed numbers.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

When I answered the call, the phoneline went dead.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

This number called my elderly parents and told them all the money had been taken from their bank account.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Asking about loft insulation, Rand state to be an electricity company Advisor.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Tried to ring back again and numbers not recognised, said something about suspending my national cover numbers & magistrates automatic.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I'm not sure if there was a message left or not, but I hate cold callers who don't leave a message. It's pretty easy to say something when they ring again, but they always deny it was them who called. But someone else and you plainly know they are lying! So I generally

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

After I rang the enterprise, there was no answer. When I checked my recent call, my phone rang the numbers, but I did not get a pre-recorded message stating the name of the enterprise, giving advice if I wanted to stop promotion calls. However, the announcement was brief, spoken quickly, but

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger


Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Scammer rings are a common tool used by scammers.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses deception or fraud to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

A internet fault scammer is someone who uses the internet to commit fraud.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

The scammer is a person who uses trickery to take advantage of someone.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

A person phoned me, said they works for company Swiss Trading & that I showed interest in financial investments. This company has been calling myself nearly every day for the last 3 months, I have no clue who these persons are, but every time they seem to be using a different phone number. When I said

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

This number called me on 16/12/21 purporting to be from Amazon threat me of suspicious activity on my account. I had exactly the same the previous day from 0049632141451 (Germany). On both occasions I was transferred to a person called Sophia with an almost unintelligible foreign accent

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I received a harassment call from a person who is putting on a phony Carephone Warehouse call to propose offers. I have received numerous such calls in the past months, which is not normal. Is this a scam?

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I have been harassed by an unknown person with an Asian accent for over three months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx. This person has been trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes that I am unaware of. This person is rude and insulting, and I hope they

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Harrassment ring from an undisclosed person with an Asian accent is trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I'm unaware of. This person has been harassing me practically every day for over 3 months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx & others. Looks like a scam

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I have been receiving harassing calls from an unknown person with an Asian accent trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I am unaware of. This person has been calling me from many different numbers, starting with 0113328xxxx and others, looking like a scam. I hope they are punished soon

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I have been experiencing harassment from an unknown person with an Asian accent trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I am unaware of. This person has been harassing me practically every day for over 3 months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx & others, looking like a scam

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I have been experiencing harassment from an unknown person with an Asian accent for over three months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx. The person seems to be trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I am unaware of. This person is rude and insulting, and I have

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

This person has been harassing me for over three months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx, looking like a scam. I hope they get punished soon for harassing people!

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

The harassment ring from an unknown person with an Asian accent is trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I don't know about. This person has been harassing myself practically every day for over 3 months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx & others. Appears to be a

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

This person has been harassing me for over three months, calling from many different numbers starting with 0113328xxxx and others. They look like a scam, but I hope they get punished soon for harassing people!

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I have been receiving harassing calls from an unknown person with an Asian accent for over three months now, starting with 0113328xxxx and others. The person seems to be trying to force me to invest my money in some financial schemes I am unaware of. This person is rude and insulting, and has been calling

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

I received a call from Amazon saying that there was a suspicious order on my account for £799 and to press 1 to hang up as there was no such order on my account. The call was a scam.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

It's time this was stopped The elderly people are trying to persuade the government to combine the tax on order to pay less, but it's time this was stopped.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

An unwanted ring to a TPS number. An intrusive and enfuriating invasion of privacy.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

An unwelcome ring to a TPS number. An intrusive & enfuriating invasion of privacy.

Who called from 0352695834092 (2 years ago) Danger

Another request for a TPS number is being made to another number that is not being used. A violation of privacy and invasion of privacy is taking place every day when people are using this number. These people need to be prosecuted and fined. It is a daily harassment in people's homes.

Report Unsolicited Calls From 0352695834092 Number!

You can help others by sharing your experience with 0352695834092. Let's name and shame this caller or provide any information you might have!

Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?

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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

Tags for check this phone number UK, whose telephone numbers is this, Who Called Me in UK, who is calling me from this number UK, who is calling me from this number UK free, Who is Calling Me Unknown, phone number checker, phone number checker free, UK phone number checker, whose telephone numbers is this, whose phone number is this, find whose phone number is this UK, whose phone number is this UK, search phone number, who is calling me UK, free phone number search

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