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See below what our users have to say about the 02037408425 phone number:

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Calling my 8-year-old daughter's phone.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

I don't know this number. I phoned this morning at 07.47 and didn't know it was a numbet.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

I answered the telephone, & it cancelled leaving a HGV advert on the telephone.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

I am not with the promotion company, and my ee mobile needs renewing. I have not called them three times over one week.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Natural

The phone rang, but I didn't answer it.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

No sound of an office can be heard just by silence.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

When I answered the phone, it was silent.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Neusance ring from this person's laughter cackling on answering .

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

After staying inaudible, I put the telephone down on myself.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

When they were answered, they hung up.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Did not respond when asked who was calling, :(

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

" BT shares in heavyly accented voice. Ask for a particular name of house hold probably from electral roll. Rings at 20.30. I hope this person gets cancer."

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

They were my bank's rubbish.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

This is a regular call. I do not pick up the phone & it rings off after about 10-12 seconds. If the phone was actually a genuine phone, it would leave a voicemail. I have just blocked it & another number from Berlin.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

The fraudster is someone who uses their identity to commit fraud.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Don’t give any personal details to the state back tax deduction from your money sent to protection insurance payments by HMRC.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

It is not possible to find out who called as soon as you ring back, and the call cannot be answered through the service line.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

putting on to be the NCA & suspending national cover numbers

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Many people have received calls from this number purporting to be from a company trying to do sales.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Rude and persistent

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

The telephoner wanted to know about direct debit payments, claiming to be from a ring blocker service.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Possible scammer state that they were from the National Health Service and checking if I had been vaccinated, when I queried, they hung up? 02037408425

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Possible scammer call, said they were from BT/Opnreach but did not mention the scam.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

The robot scammed me by ringing my credit card twice.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Received two calls in the evening suggesting a scam.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Phoned early, no answer, SCAM?

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

I didn't make sense what they meant when they said their internet had problems, and wondered if it was a scam.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

If I press button 1, the scammer state to sue myself and cancelling my National cover numbers.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

I believe this person is trying to scam me.

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Saying you are using a credit card with a certain amount of credit has got your Bill Ammazon for £1000 checked your Amazon account. However, the information in your Amazon account does not match what you have told me. If you press 1 and two for options, you don't want this to happen

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Possable scammer - pre-recorded message saying my national cover numbers have been compromised

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

The suspected scammer ring voice message state that there is a problem with your national cover numbers and it will be suspended. You need to press on to talk to an operative to give details to prevent this happening. As my mobile numbers are not attached to my national cover account, I can only assume this is a

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Natural

I received a SMS message from this number telling me that I have been in close contact with someone who has tested good with Omicron, and I need to order a test kit by hitting a link in the text. As I am housebound, I am thinking this is a scam. Can anyone tell me

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Natural

I received a very early morning ring from this number purporting to be my phone services provider. The young person - who was nice - had an accent. I told myself that my phone was being upgraded, and refused to accept any services whereupon they started to argue with me. At this point, I challenged

Who called from 02037408425 (2 years ago) Danger

Scam call. Automatic says from Amazon.

Report Unsolicited Calls From 02037408425 Number!

You can help others by sharing your experience with 02037408425. Let's name and shame this caller or provide any information you might have!

Reporting these type of calls and sharing your experience will help others avoid being potentially scammed or harassed. Any and all information you can provide is invaluable. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from? What did they say? What did they sound like? How many times did they call? Did they ask for money?

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5 Common Phone Scams to Watch Out For

There are lots of scams you need to watch out for, but I thought I would go over some common ones, including a brand new scam known as the "can you hear me" scam. It involves the scammer recording you saying Yes so they can use it later to charge you bogus fees. I also discuss other scams such as the call forwarding scam, the windows tech support scam, and others. Plus how to avoid scams in general.

Showing a Scammer Call Centre their Photos!

In this video we expose multiple scammers at this specific call centre by showing the scammers their exact photo. Even showing a scammers boss picture, scammer name and location.

Report a nuisance or scam numbers

Help other people and report any number that have called you and you've had either a negative, neutral, or positive experience with the caller or callers.
Reporting a number (by just simply searching) can help millions of other people being scammed or harassed via the phone.

Tags for check this phone number UK, whose telephone numbers is this, Who Called Me in UK, who is calling me from this number UK, who is calling me from this number UK free, Who is Calling Me Unknown, phone number checker, phone number checker free, UK phone number checker, whose telephone numbers is this, whose phone number is this, find whose phone number is this UK, whose phone number is this UK, search phone number, who is calling me UK, free phone number search

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